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10 AAPI Owned Businesses to Support Now and Always

I just want to start out by saying, this past year or so has been hard on almost everyone. No one has lived through this global economic crisis, race crisis, volatile political climate, and deadly virus completely untouched. Mental health is at a all time low for everyone and has been for quite some time, and I in no way want to discredit the hurt you and your family may have or are currently going through. I for one, have been unemployed since April as my industry (theater) has become completely obsolete. I have applied to approximately 200 jobs since September and have had 4 interviews. I say this to reaffirm the fact that acknowledging one group's hardships does not erase the hardships you've faced. If anything, we should extend empathy and love to groups whenever we can because we know how it feels to be down on our luck.

Asian Americans have been living through two pandemics, one the virus that has impacted every aspect of our lives, and the second the intense racism that sparked from the belief China started and distributed the virus purposefully and targeted rhetoric placing the blame on Chinese and/or Asian people as a whole.

Numerous AAPI businesses have reported a 90-98% drop in business since March 2020 and unemployment for Asian Americans have gone up 450%. Like I did with my Black Owned Business Highlights, I wanted to use my small little platform to help in any way I can, as I personally feel like you should vote with your dollar everyday. Support business what align with your views and you would be proud to put your money towards.

I also want you to check out the Stop AAPI Hate campaign, as they of course can explain things a lot better than I ever could.

FYI, I use affiliate links, meaning I get a commission from certain items when you shop through my links (at no cost to you!) As always, I'll have more linked on my Like to Know it!



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