20 Goals For 2020
I'm not a fan of traditional resolutions, it being a new year isn't suddenly going to motivate me to lose weight, eat better, or stop drinking. I'm human and I'm not just going to completely change my life because it hit January. I do believe a new year can motivate you to make small changes that will improve your mood and lifestyle. These are all bad habits I had noticed myself doing in 2019 that I want to fix in the new year and can totally see myself implementing in my daily routine.
Picture of me walking into 2020 ready to make things happen:

1. Make My Bed
I have never been a bed maker! I always like the way my room looks when I make my bed, I'm just also very lazy. I feel like this will be an easy fix to instantly make my space and life look more out together.
2. Wake Up Earlier
Because I have a shifted schedule and work in the afternoon and evening, it is so easy for me to sleep WAY too late. I have had a lot of sleep problems the last few years and I think it's because I've never really set a schedule for myself. I'm really blessed to have mornings free and I should definitely be taking advantage of that and utilizing them. I won't be waking up at 5am, but having a set schedule for a majority of the week will do so much.
3. Drink More Water
I feel like this is everyone's yearly goal, but I really need to get better at this. I used to drink SO MUCH water, like probably too much. But somewhere along the last year or so, my water consumption has been cut in half. I don't think I need to completely alter my lifestyle, but just remembering to fill up my Brita and bringing my bigger S'well bottle to work will do wonders.
4. Limit Single-Use Products
I'm actually addicted to buying travel mugs, water bottles, and tumblers but they hardly every actually leave my house. I buy a coffee almost every time I leave my house, which is a whole other thing. But not only could I be saving ten cents a transaction at Starbucks, but I could be saving upwards of 10 coffee cups a week from ending up in landfills. I already limit my purchases of plastic water bottles and use of plastic bags, but I can also keep doing better with them.
5. Read 100 Books
I am such a reader, but I often get lazy when books slow down, but setting this goal will keep me motivated to push through books I'm actually enjoying, even if they get slow. It will also motivate me to spend less time scrolling through twitter. I set a goal on Goodreads to keep me motivated and accountable.
6. Stop Taking My Phone To The Bathroom
This seems like such a silly goal, but it has to happen. It's unsanitary and wastes time and I'm just not here for it anymore.
7. Write
I love writing, but it is a lot of work. And because it can be so hard, I just kind of don't do it. I came to New York to be a playwright, I just have to put in the work.
8. Cook 1 Real Meal A Week
I used to be the Take Out Queen, and last year I started limiting my delivery orders and ended up saving money and time (did you know it's actually faster to go to the restaurant, order, and take it home?), I also started buying more frozen food I could quickly heat up which helped my wallet. But, I not only hate that I only know how to cook pasta, but I want to eat healthier and diversify my diet.
9. Stretch More
I'm only 22, but I feel like I have the body of an 86 year old. My back and shoulders ache constantly, my neck hurts, and I have horrible posture. I want to set aside time every day to loosen up my body. I don't know if it will mean doing yoga or just taking time to target the parts of my body that hurt, it's something I have to start doing.
10. Visit 5 New Places
This past year, I wanted to go to 1 new place and actually ended up visiting 3! I truly think visiting new places, no matter if it's Long Island or Paris is always a good idea.
11. Expand Reselling
I truly believe Poshmark can be a great source for extra income and can help you clean up your space. I want to get a little more serious about it, grow my inventory and outlets of reselling. As well as upping my income per sale.
12. Monitor Spending
I really want to be more aware of what I'm buying and how I'm spending my money. I've certainly noticed that I kind of spend frivolously (remember earlier when I said I get a coffee basically every time I leave my apartment), and I think writing everything down will help me be less inclined to spend $20 like it's nothing. At least for the month of January, I will be carrying around a little notebook and logging everything I spend and what I'm buying so I can self reflect later.
13. Better My Skin
I used to have pretty bad skin, and it got better for a while, and now I'm back to the acne flare ups. Drinking water, and setting a sleep schedule will improve this, but I also want to try to really buckle down and be serious about skincare products, cleaning my makeup brushes, and maybe getting a facial to clear my skin and tame my huge pores.
14. Take Vitamins
I feel so much better when I regularly take vitamins, but I tend to take them for like two weeks and then forget about them for 3 months.
15. Streamline Makeup Collection
I have so much makeup, like way too much. I've already cut spending, but I need to use up a lot of my half used products before buying something because a sale is happening. I want to eventually only have the products I actually use and then a few additional things I could implement into a fun night out look.
16. Utilize My Closet
I have a lot of clothes, but I tend to wear the same couple of things, especially to work. My main focus will be getting wear out of shoes and accessories as I tend to wear my adidas sneakers and whatever bag I'm feeling that week when I have two shoe racks and shelves of accessories.
17. Double Savings
I've been really blessed because my family helped me a lot through college and I was able to develop a savings account, but this year I really want to buckle down and double what I have now, some of my money saving goals will help this, so this is more of an end goal of better money habits.
18. Clean Out Storage
I have way too many pictures and apps I will never need, so a big goal of mine is to minimalize my online storage. I want to delete pictures I know I'll never need, duplicates of files, and apps I have never opened. And then routinely keep up with it so it doesn't seem so daunting.
19. Be More Social
I'm truly comfortable doing things alone, and most of the time I prefer it. But especially with Clark moving this year, I've noticed I spend more hours alone than with others. I live in New York and I want to experience it!
20. Listen To My Body
Life is a constantly evolving ordeal, and maybe these goals I'm setting are not going to be perfectly implemented after day 1, and that's okay. I need to be kind to myself and just focus on what my body is telling me to do.
Do you have any goals this year?