Black - Owned Fashion Businesses Pt. 1
According to the Census, there are about 2.5 million businesses owned by Black individuals in the U.S. Though many are area specific, so many have expanded their business online do to COVID-19. But it is expected even with these expansions, that 40% of Black - Owned businesses will close their doors forever. The pandemic coupled with the on-going Black Lives Matter movement, has made me really analyze how I spend my money. If you are feeling lost right now and wish to help in anyway, please consider supporting these small Black businesses now and in the future. BLM is a hot topic right now, but these businesses are open year round and would love your support. This time has really made me analyze not only the content I consume, but the content I put out there, and that is why I'm pledging to share at least 500 Black - Owned businesses on this blog by the end of the year, each time focusing on a specific category. I also am hoping to expand this series to represent other groups that are usually excluded from the corporate world. If you have any businesses you think I should highlight, please feel free to drop them below or over on my Instagram.

This week, I have rounded up some beautiful fashion and accessories brands that are creating some STUNNING pieces.