2020 Goals 6 Month Check-In
So, I know we have collectively decided to throw 2020 in the garbage, but I did think it would be fun to look back on the goals I made for myself in January and see if I have lived up to any of them (and laugh/cry at the ones about leaving the house).

Me looking back at these past 6 months like... yikes
1. Make My Bed
I am proud to say I have actually made my bed every single day of 2020! Even the day I had surgery! I literally never thought I would be here but I am!
2. Wake Up Earlier
lol nope
3. Drink More Water
I feel like my water intake has more or less stayed the same, so at least it has not decreased...
4. Limit Single-Use Products
This is not as black and white as some goals. With me being stuck at home, I have drastically limited my takeaway single-use products, but my local stores are not allowing you to bring your own bags right now, so I have to rely on single-use plastic bags for my groceries.
5. Read 100 Books
I have certainly read more books that I did last year, but I have some catching up to do to reach 100.
6. Stop Taking My Phone To The Bathroom
I definitely have become more aware of when I do and do not take it with me, and I want to believe I'm bringing it with me less.
7. Write
I have been way more active on this blog so thats good! My plays are a different story though...
8. Cook 1 Real Meal A Week
I have been home with my mom since March, and though I have helped her cook/bake more than I ever did in NYC, I don't know if it would even out to once a week. I did cook meat for the first time so thats progress!
9. Stretch More
I feel like I have definitely been doing yoga more (and by that I mean like twice a month), but I still have a lot of back pain.
10. Visit 5 New Places
LOL January me had so many hopes for 2020.
11. Expand Reselling
I obviously have not been able to sell thrifted pieces but my mom has been cleaning out her house like crazy so I definitely have expanded!
12. Monitor Spending
If this pandemic has been good for anything, it is my spending. I dramatically cut my spending the past few months with being home. (I am also aware of the privilege that I have being able to spend my time out of work with my family where I do not have to pay for food or necessities and my only real spending is going to NYC bills).
13. Better My Skin
I have been trying new things on my skin recently, but with not exercising or going outside as much I definitely have been suffering from quarantine skin.
14. Take Vitamins
I have been taking a biotin vitamin for a while! But I would like to implement some others as well.
15. Streamline Makeup Collection
You don't need makeup when you don't leave the house!!
16. Utilize My Closet
Being home has allowed me to utilize clothes I don't often bring to NYC with me!
17. Double Savings
Again, being able to cut spending has put me on the track to actually double my savings this year!
18. Clean Out Online Storage
I do try to make time as much as possible to actively work on this!
19. Be More Social
LOL I have basically not seen anyone but my family in months.
20. Listen To My Body
I try to actively do this everyday! Do I do anything with what I'm hearing? Ehhhh
You still have 6 months to make 2020 your year! Or, there is always 2021...