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10 Things That Help Me Sleep Better

I have always had problems sleeping, some nights I literally stare at the ceiling until 6am, sleep for 90 minutes, and then get up. It is truly not a fun time. I also tend to switch between not being able to fall asleep and not being able to stay asleep, which is even more fun. I don't particularly like routines, because I usually break them and feel really bad about myself. But, as a self - diagnosed "bad sleeper", these tips and trips have really helped me.

1. Stop Eating Before 10pm

This is not a particularly fun one, because I love a late night snack (or entire bag of Smartfood Popcorn). But feeling a little lighter when I get in to bed as really helped me relax!

2. Having a Skincare Routine

I know, I literally just said I suck at routines, and I really do. But, having a ritual I do every night to signal my mind that it is time for bed has truly helped me. It does not have to be anything elaborate, mine is just a few steps. But having a few minutes where I relax before settling down is great.

3. Reading

I read pretty much any chance I get throughout the day, but sitting down and getting lost in an another world for 20 minutes before I go to bed, is the perfect way to ease myself into sleep and forget my own problems. If you need some fun reads, feel free to check out some of my book lists here and here.

4. CBD

I honestly never thought I would hop on the CBD train, but when LiefRoyal reached out and wanted to send me a vial of their CBD oil, I decided to give it a chance and I'm so glad I did! It truly lets me slow down my thoughts and ease into a good night's sleep and wait for it - STAY ASLEEP. Plus I don't wake up with the hungover feeling that can come from sleeping pills.

5. Reserving My Bed For Sleeping

This was especially hard because I am such a bed person, but limiting the time spent in my bed throughout the day trained my brain that my bed is a place I sleep, not where I eat, lounge, work, or play on my phone.

6. Melatonin

Sometimes no matter what I do, I cannot fall asleep. That is when I will take Melatonin. I used to be a 10mg every night kind of girl, but the more I take, the less my body makes naturally. I am actively trying to cut back on Melatonin and save it for nights I truly cannot sleep.

7. Not Looking At The Clock

How many of you lay there at night and think, "If I go to sleep now, I will get exactly 7 hours and 23 minutes... 22 minutes of sleep" knowing it just adds to your anxiety and keeps you up even longer? After doing this for a literal decade, I decided to put the phone down, turn my clock the other way, and forget about the time! Forcing myself to be unaware of the time will allowed me to relax faster and improve the quality of sleep, and actually wake up refreshed!

8. Putting My Phone Away

In the same vein of not looking at the clock, not having my phone readily available to check Twitter, or play whatever game I'm into at the moment allowed me keep myself from being distracted and focus on what is important: SLEEP. Plus do you really want the last thing you saw before going to bed to be some awful Facebook meme a guy who went to your high school shared?

9. Lip Mask

10. Bedding I Love

I am very weird about bedding, actually I am kinda a snob about it. I have been known to place a blanket over a set of sheets I did not like and sleep on that instead of suffering through cheap sheets. I am a big fan of Pottery Barn bedding and it has gotten to the point where I'm not sure I could sleep on anything else. I currently have these sheets on my bed in New York and these with pink trim on my bed back home. Cute and comfortable bedding is so worth it to me! Let your bed be a place you actually want to be. I also keep a lot of pillows on my bed so I can configure them how I please!

Now, go catch some Zzzzs!

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