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February Empties: Products I Used Up This Past Month Will I Buy Again?

Welcome, friends! I have decided to start a new little series on my blog- ranking my empties! So every month I will do a roundup or products I use up and discuss how long I've had them, if I liked them, and if I will buy them again. I think not only is a great way for you guys to be exposed to new products and reviews, but will also allow me to take a step back and examine how I spend my money and how much I'm bringing into my life vs. what is going in the bin.

When I say this is OLDDDDDD... I got in as a sample in my Sephora Play days and it had been sitting in my makeup bag since I opened the box. I started using it over the summer and even though it was a sample size, it lasted a pleasantly long time. I haven't been wearing face makeup that often, but on days I might be seeing people, taking pictures, or just trying to be little more presentable, it certainly got the job done! It is definitely lighter in coverage but does a great job of evening skin tone. I still had to use a concealer to cover my acne, which is fine! I 100% would not have bought this myself so I'm glad I got to try it out, and I might consider repurchasing during the next Sephora sale but I still have a few face products I would like to get through first.

I bought this because it was the cheapest dry shampoo I could find at Ulta and I really was not a fan when I first got it and found it kind of hard to blend in. After a little while, I eventually got it to work for me and found myself with some voluminous dry hair. I bought this in November and would use it about every other day, so I would say it was worth the $8 and would probably pick up again since dry shampoo is weirdly so expensive in NYC.

So I bought this in the same order as the dry shampoo and it was the first time I had used something from The Ordinary. I loved that it was cost effective and I more or less used it two times a day for over 3 months which is a good amount of use per bottle but I feel like it did not give my skin what it needed. If you get dry skin in the winter, just know it will do absolutely nothing for you. Maybe it would work better got me in the summer, but I felt like I had to use way more than usual and use booster moisturizing serums and creams to make my skin feel bearable. I might try it again in the summer, but honestly I have my favorites from the drug store that have never let me down.

I'm not really sure when I bought this because I normally would not buy such a small toothpaste tube because we go through an abnormal amount in this house. It lasted less than a month but it was fine. I sometimes choke on toothpaste because it expands in my mouth too much when I brush but it didn't happen with this one which was super fun. I just wish the tube was bigger so I can't really justify buying it again.

I bought this scent in October and I am actually shocked it lasted this long because it is my favorite scent and I will burn it 24/7. It's one of the few scents I can justify buying from BBW full price because it is just so powerful and unique. It literally fills my whole apartment in the best way. I have also been in the process of remelting the leftover wax and putting them in smaller pots to reduce wax and in turn buy less candles (but I have noticed they aren't as powerful the second potting). I have put myself on a candle buying freeze, and even though I try and fail at that every year maybe this one will work, but when I am ready to buy again I will def be repurchasing unless anyone knows of a dupe for this???

BBW hand soaps, like most things there, I only buy on sale or steal from my family when I visit because I love them but I also love the price of the $3 soap from Target. I just love a good foaming hand soap and BBW really does it best. I would totally pick up this scent again if I didn't have to pay full price.

Okay... I know these are pretty polarizing and please do not attack me for this. I love these and I will not apologize. I do not use them for skincare, I am not that reckless, I usually keep them in my bag for a skin pick me up and I actually love the ritual and experience of it. I know some people HATE these and that is perfectly valid! Buy what makes you happy and these just make me happy. I will say the green one is my favorite scent and I only have the pink one left with I think is the least refreshing. I usually buy the smaller pack of 3 scents and they last me well over a year.

FYI, I use affiliate links, meaning I get a commission from certain items when you shop through my links (at no cost to you!) As always, I'll have more linked on my Like to Know it!



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